  • Home Page

    ThruppPrimary School


    Bonjour tout le monde!


    Each week I will upload a pre-recorded french session for KS2. There will be an accompanying worksheet, with tasks set for each class as well as some links to great additional resources (such as songs and games).  If you feel confident with the work set for your class, then feel free to carry on and do some of the additional tasks set for the older children.


    Repetition is the best way to learn any language.  So,  don't try to do it all in one day to get it over and done with; just spend 10-15 minutes a day working on your French tasks, play the games, listen to the songs - the more you hear the words, the more likely you are to learn and remember them (without even trying!).


    If you would like any help or feedback, then email me at  

    I would also love to see any work you do, so please scan it, or take pictures or bits of video of you speaking etc... and then email it to me.  You never know, it might even go forward to le brilliant book!


    Bonne chance!  (Good Luck!) et amusez-vous! (and have fun!)

    Madame Kelly

    Les Légumes et la Salade

    Le petit déjeuner

    Les Fruits

    We have our annual Fun Run on Monday 22nd April. Our PTA will be spending the money raised on our children. Thank you in advance.