Eagles class is a mixed Year 4 and Year 5 class.
Maths, Science, Whole Class Guided Reading and Spelling will be taught in single year groups.
Class teachers:
Mrs Rachel Bass (Monday, Tuesday)
Mrs Ailsa Catt (Wednesday, Thursday)
Mrs Stephenson will cover the class on a Friday.
Mrs Kelly will teach French on a Wednesday.
Teaching Assistants:
Mrs Black
Mrs Cheney
Please look at our class page to see the exciting things we have been doing.
HOMEWORK in Eagles
Children will have a weekly piece of maths that will be given out on a Thursday, to be completed and returned the following Thursday.
We have created a list of other homework activities that are cross curricular for your child to choose from. We would like at least one activity to be completed and returned on a Tuesday every two weeks. More details can be found on the sheet below.
We would appreciate your support in helping your child to complete their homework. Some homework activities can be completed by your child independently and some are intended to be shared with someone else at home. Homework is consolidation and reinforcement for your child’s learning and also gives you an opportunity to see what your child is doing in class.
Spelling Shed – at least twice a week for 10-15 minutes
Children have logins for this website: https://play.edshed.com/en-gb/login. A new spelling list will be set for your child to work on each week, linked to the spellings they are working on at school. Please support your children in learning these spellings; we are able to check their progress with these online.
Times Tables Rockstars – at least 3 times a week for 5-10 minutes
Children have logins for this website: https://play.ttrockstars.com/
We will log on each week to check children’s progress.
In the summer term, the Year 4 children will be taking the Multiplication Tables Check, a national statutory assessment. They will be tested using an on-screen check (on a computer or a tablet), where they will have to answer multiplication questions against the clock. So having a solid understanding and a quick recall of the times tables is very important - regular practice is invaluable to achieve this!
Please continue to read fiction and non-fiction with your child and record comments in their reading record. All reading is positive, including newspapers, magazines and online information. Children should record at least three comments in their reading records a week. Children will also read in school independently, as part of group and in whole class reading sessions therefore they should have their reading book and reading record in school daily.
In Key Stage 2, we focus on the following skills to develop reading fluency and comprehension:
Recommended Reading Lists
Below are lists of fantastic books for Year 4 and Year 5 if you would like some ideas about what your child could be reading.
Spelling - word lists
Below are the National Curriculum statutory spelling lists for the words that the children should know by the end of Year 4 and the end of Year 6. Please support your child by practising these words at home.