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    ThruppPrimary School

    Late/Absence Procedures

    At Thrupp, we are committed to working with parents to promote regular attendance and punctuality. Children will not feel happy and secure in school, or achieve their full potential, if they are frequently absent from, or late for school. Consequently, we will work hard to ensure that problems with children’s attendance are identified and followed up quickly; and that solutions are explored with parents / carers at an early stage.


    We urge all parents to fulfil their legal requirement of ensuring that children attend school on time. Lateness causes disruption to the other members of the class and the teacher who has prepared the lesson. We believe punctuality is important in providing an effective start to the day and developing children’s responsibility for their learning. If your child arrives after the register has been taken, please sign your child in at reception and notify the secretary if your child requires a school lunch.


    If your child is unwell please keep them at home and notify the school by either telephoning and confirming in writing, or emailing the school office in the morning. This is needed so that we can record the absence as authorised. 


    If your child needs to leave school during school hours e.g. for a medical or dental appointment, then the Teacher must be notified, and permission is given on the understanding that an adult known to the school will collect the child. It is also very important for safety reasons to sign your child in or out of the school in the log book provided at the school office.

    Absence Request Form

    Welcome back to our new school year. Our PTA are holding their first meeting on Monday 16th September at 6.00pm at The Ship. All parents very, very welcome.