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    ThruppPrimary School


    Summer 1 - Forest School

    Spring 2 - ‘Games’ with Miss Greenwood 

    In our ‘Be The Best’ Games unit, we have:

    - Designed our own board game snakes

    - Created our own board game in pairs 

    - Played our own board game 

    - Learnt about a friendly dinosaur

    - Learnt to sing some different nursery rhymes

    - Played games using the parachute

    - Made our own crowns


    8th April - We had our last BTBF session of this term and had a lot of fun making our own 'Carrot Friends' 🥕 We also learnt to sing two songs!

    Playing parachute games in 'Be The Best' sessions!

    Spring 1 - Computing with Miss Mills

    04.02 - We were musicians this afternoon and made some of our own music on 2beat on Purple Mash.

    14.01 - We all got a chance to log into ‘Purple Mash’ today on the tablets. We created our own avatars and made our own pictures on 2Paint.

    07.01 - This week some of us started creating our own avatars on purple mash and drawing pictures on 2paint. We also had a go at giving bee bots instructions. Some of us also had a competition of who could build the tallest tower!

    19/11/21 - Our Y6 buddies shared stories and played with us this afternoon.

    12/11/21 Today we had a visitor from the Dogs Trust. We learned how to stroke a dog safely and how to stay safe when a do runs up to us. The pictures show us practising our new skills.

    05/11/21 - Year 6 children came to our classroom and read animal-themed stories to us. It was so much fun!

    Thrupp Primary School and Nursery Open Day on Tuesday 22nd October from 9.30am - 11.30am. All new families welcome. Our Year 6 pupils will show you round. Please come and join us.