Our Intent:
At Thrupp Primary School, we aim to provide the best possible opportunities for children in order:
- To promote curiosity and the love of reading by giving children the opportunity to read and enjoy a wide range of high quality texts by a range of authors, including those from our literacy heritage and books from different cultures and traditions.
- To encourage children to aspire to these authors by providing them with the knowledge and skills that a writer needs and to be resilient in using these to empower their own writing.
- To develop their skills of oracy to enable them to relate to one another and to the world around them.
- To reflect on the skills, knowledge and understanding acquired through English lessons by providing the children with enjoyable and purposeful opportunities to apply them to other areas of the curriculum.
- To enhance the cultural capital of the children at Thrupp by providing every pupil with the opportunities they need to develop their abilities within an integrated programme of speaking and listening, reading and writing embedded within our creative curriculum and by utilising our local area.
By the end of Key Stage 2, we aim for a child at Thrupp Primary to:
- have a passion for books and read widely for enjoyment and information;
- read and write with confidence, fluency and understanding, orchestrating a range of independent strategies to self-monitor and correct;
- have an interest in words and their meanings, acquiring a wide vocabulary in spoken and written forms;
- understand a range of text types and genres and be able to write for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences in a variety of styles and forms;
- be developing the powers of imagination, inventiveness and critical awareness;
- use competent speaking and listening skills to aid learning.