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    ThruppPrimary School

    Thruppers & Wake-Up Club Extended Care

    Our extended School Care provision, known as Thruppers and the Wake Up Club, is committed to working in partnership with parents and carers to provide safe, stimulating and enjoyable childcare for children.


    We aim to help parents to balance work commitments and family life by providing convenient, affordable and high quality before and after school care during school term time.


    We are fortunate to have a highly experienced and committed staff team at Wake Up Club and Thruppers. They are open to children from Reception Year to Year 6 who attend Thrupp School. Both clubs are open during school term times, except for INSET days or school closures.


    Sessions run each school day:

       7.45am - 8.45am - £4.50 per child per session


       3.15pm until 4.15pm. - £5.50 per child per session (including refreshments)


       3.15pm until 5.30pm. - £9.50 per child per session (including refreshments)


    Childcare Vouchers are accepted!


    A range of activities are available for the children. Organised activities may be on offer but the emphasis is on child-centred and self-directed play. We believe that play is an important part of a child's development and the adult's role is to create activities to enhance play opportunities. The children are provided with a healthy snack and drinks during the Thruppers session.


    We offer a varied programme of activities including:

     - Art table

     - Role play

     - Construction activities - Lego, Knex, etc

     - Use of climbing area

     - Outdoor physical play - e.g. football, tennis, ride on toys, skipping etc

     - Computer games

     - Books and puzzles

     - Table tennis

     - Cooking

     - Themed activities

    Thrupp School Christmas Fayre is on Friday 29th November from 5pm - 7pm. Save the date!