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    ThruppPrimary School


    Welcome to Hawks Class! 

    Autumn 2 - Week 5


    We have been very busy this week learning our lines, practising dances, singing songs and having a go at acting on the stage ready for our nativity next week. We can't wait to show you all what we've been up to! 


    Jingles the elf also joined us on the 1st of December. We're looking forward to seeing what mischief he gets up to!

    Autumn 2 Week 4 - We had a special video call with Mrs Swanson in Africa this week and met her friend Bob the bush baby. We then wrote our own fact files about animals that live in Africa.

    Autumn 2 Week 2 - We've started our gymnastics unit and have learnt some balances. We've been thinking about how to include two contrasting balances in a sequence.

    Autumn 2 Week 1 - This week we've been creating some of our own story maps based on the story Orion and the Dark. We're going to begin writing our own stories.

    We also had some special visitors who came to talk to us about toy making and the toys they enjoyed playing with when they were younger.

    Autumn 1 Week 6 - This week our year 2 children have been using what they've learnt about materials this term to design and make their own bridge. They then planned their own investigation to test the strength of their bridge.

    Autumn 1 Week 5 - This week we’ve been working on our under arm throws in PE. We’ve been thinking about how to improve our power and aim when trying to hit a target.

    We’ve also been testing the properties of different objects and materials to see if they can be squashed, stretched, twisted or bent.

    Autumn 1 Week 4 - Today we talked about our favourite toys and what they are made from. We will begin to go back in time and learn about how toys have changed over time.

    Autumn 1 - Week 3

    We have all been exploring Purple Mash this week. Our Y1 children have been using the Chromebooks for the first time and learning how to log in and create avatars. Our Y2 children have been learning how to safely search on Purple Mash and the internet and how to share their work to display boards within Purple Mash.


    Autumn 1 Week 2 - This week we have started learning about the different materials objects are made from. Our year 2 children have also been partitioning two-digit numbers in different ways.
