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    ThruppPrimary School


    Welcome to Eagles class!


    Click on the term below to see what we have been doing and to find information including our curriculum letter for the term and homework tasks. 

    Please visit our class information page to find out more about how our class is organised and useful documents to support reading and spelling. 

    20 Books to Read in Eagles!


    Our Eagles class challenge is for every child to read 20 different books by July 2025 and complete the different categories on this chart. We have a display in our classroom where you can add the books that you have read and help give your classmates ideas for books they could also read. The books we read together in English or Guided Reading can count towards the challenge, as well as audio books listened to at home. When you have read a book, get a sticker from Mrs Bass to add to your book collector book mark. Happy reading!

    Thrupp School is celebrating their success. As of The Stroud News and Journal, January 2025, Thrupp School was named 3rd Best Performing School in Gloucestershire.