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    Early Help

    Thrupp Primary School Offer of Early Help

    REFERENCE: Keeping Children Safe in Education: September 2021

    At Thrupp Primary School child protection is given a high priority by all its staff and governors. We recognise that it is everyone’s responsibility to keep children safe. We therefore ensure that all staff must receive appropriate CP training which is regularly updated.

    All staff retain responsibility for:

    • Ensuring a safe learning environment
    • Knowing the signs of abuse and what to look for
    • Making referrals to Children’s Social Care
    • Identifying children in need of extra help or at risk of significant harm
    • Being aware of the school’s systems to support safeguarding


    We place families at the centre of the support process and recognise the need for open conversations with parents so that we are able to identify where to go to for the support that will best match their needs. This will form the basis of our offer for Early Help.

    We listen to the voice of the child. All children are encouraged to express their feelings, anxieties and fears. This can be done communally through PSHCE activities, in moderate or small groups, or individually. Our curriculum includes lessons in PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education), SRE (Sex and Relationships Education) and SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural) Education. This comprehensive curriculum covers many aspects of keeping young people safe, healthy, resilient and aware of the world around them so they can make informed decisions. Where pupils have specific issues that need discussing or addressing we will make their well-being curriculum bespoke to them. Other specific topics helping pupils stay safe and covered within our curriculum include (age appropriate content) Drugs, Keeping Safe, Relationships and Healthy Living.

    At termly Pupil Progress Meetings, held with the SENCO, all teachers and teaching Assistants, the social/emotional well-being of children is considered, as well as their academic progress, enabling intervention or support to be facilitated as necessary. Intervention could include social skills programmes, e.g. Circle of Friends, Socially Speaking, Art Feelings, Lego Build to Express.

    All staff are committed to safeguarding of children who have access to their teachers, teaching assistants, support staff and the leadership team if they wish to speak to someone about their concerns. Staff are also vigilant to the anecdotal conversations and signs of abuse in order to safeguard the children in our care and/or community.

    At Thrupp, we have an ‘It could happen here’ approach to safeguarding where ALL staff are to remain vigilant at all times to signs of abuse.

    The school has close working partnerships with extended professional teams such as the school nurse team, Family Practitioners, Communication and Interaction team and Occupational Therapy team. Guidance on a range of issues can be found at:

    Thrupp School is celebrating their success. As of The Stroud News and Journal, January 2025, Thrupp School was named 3rd Best Performing School in Gloucestershire.