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    ThruppPrimary School


    30th June - look at the beautiful art work we made this week!

    22nd June - Today we released the butterflies! We have enjoyed watching the caterpillars grow and change and the beautiful butterflies emerge from their chrysalides.

    16th June - We had a super trip to Museum in the Park yesterday. Can you guess what these items from the past might have been used for?

    6th June - This term we are learning about lifecycles and how we have changed since we were babies. We had a visitor yesterday with her new baby. We learned lots! The caterpillars also arrived. We will observe how the caterpillars change over time.

    25th May - Look at our beautiful Spring tree pictures! We mixed our own colours, learning about primary and secondary colours.

    19th May -This week we have enjoyed making the most of the weather. We have been observing seasonal changes, going on a hunt for Spring flowers, which we have identified using pictures. We have also been using a map to find orienteering symbols in the school grounds.

    11th May - We have had another busy week in Kestrels! The year 1s have written some amazing stories and have been learning how to find half in maths. The reception children have been continuing their maths work on number eight and have been blending some really long words in phonics. Today they blended chimpanzee! We have been looking at trees and plants in the school grounds; using the shapes of leaves and colours of flowers to help us identify them.

    4th May - This week we have planted sunflower and bean seeds. We are going to watch what happens as they grow!

    27th April - This week we have been learning about plants, drawing maps and making models of the school and grounds.

    20th April - We are having a great first week back at school after the Easter holiday. We have been enjoying the beautiful weather looking for signs of Spring. We have been reading Jack and the Beanstalk and have found some giant footprints in our outside area! I wonder who has been visiting?

    31st March - Happy Easter!

    9th March This week we have been finding hidden numbers in 6, measuring using cubes and doing lots of building and drawing.

    3rd March - What a busy first week back at school after half-term! We had a wonderful World Book Day and enjoyed sharing stories with our buddies. We have started reading Naughty Bus, which we have found very funny and have been thinking about the vocabulary in the story. We have got some new resources and are enjoying being creative with the wood slices and glass pebbles.

    16th February - We had a special visitor who talked to us about Africa and brought in lots of exciting objects for us to explore. We have enjoyed drawing and writing about them. Thank you!

    10th February - The missing posters worked! Sunny has come back. We have enjoyed writing postcards from Sunny, writing a map and diary about his adventure. We have also been testing materials in science, learning all about taking away from 5, playing the glockenspiels and hand bells and completing mazes in computing.

    2nd February - We have been reading Meerkat Mail by Emily Gravett. Sunny the Meerkat came to visit us but has gone missing! We have made missing posters - have you seen him? We have also made lovely, comfy homes and food to try and entice him back.

    25th January 2023 - We have been making sculptures from natural materials.

    13th January - We have had a super theme week! Look at our beautiful work.

    5th January - Year 1 have made a pictogram of how the children in Kestrels class travelled to school today. We talked about questions we could answer using the information in the Pictogram.

    5th January 2023 Happy New Year! What a busy first week back we are having. In maths the children in Reception have been counting up to ten - objects, actions and sounds.

    9th December - What a busy week! We really enjoyed performing our Nativity and were very proud of how well we sang, read our lines and danced. We have had lots of fun learning about the Christmas story and making Christmas decorations.

    1st December 2022 We have been busy rehearsing our Nativity this week. Reception have started making their animal head dresses.

    24th November - Today we have been comparing household objects from the past to items that we use today.

    18th November - We have had another busy week in Kestrels! We have been reading The Jolly Postman and made a big story map to help us retell the story. We have learned the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, which we shared with the whole school at assembly. Our Nativity songs are sounding goo too.

    11th November - what a busy week! Year 1 have written some amazing stories. Reception have been learning all about the number 8. Today we have had an assembly all about staying safe, we have had a minute's silence and talked about Remembrance. We have also starting making a Post Box for our next English unit The Jolly Postman.

    4th November - We have been mapping our own lands today and making models of the buildings we would find there.

    20th October - What a super half-term. All the children in Kestrels should feel very proud of how well they have settled and all that they have learned this half-term!

    14th October - What a busy week we have had! We've been learning all about number 6, we've been on a bear hunt and we've been playing hand bells.

    4th October As artists we learnt about Andy Warhol and we created our own pop art with bright colours.

    3rd October As scientists we sorted animals and learnt about mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, fish and insects.

    3rd October Counting and exploring numbers to 5.

    3rd October We have been enjoying the Colour Monster by Ann Llenas and exploring emotions.

    29th September - the year 1 children have been making a map of London.

    21st September - The year 1 children have been learning how to use the laptops to add pictures and write captions.

    15th Sep - The year 1 children went on a walk around Thrupp to find physical and human features. They took lots of photos which they then sorted into physical and human features.

    What a busy week! The children in reception have started phonics this week. They are all settling really well and should be very proud of themselves.

    8th September - Geography - We have been looking at maps of the local area to identify human and physical features. We made a map in the classroom, can you spot the river, canal, road, school and railway line?

    6th Sept In art the Year 1 children drew self portraits

    6th September - All About Me! The Year 1 children created and labelled this:
