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    ThruppPrimary School


    Wednesday 12th June

    On Wednesday, in preparation for our summer production, we were lucky enough to invite father and professional actor, Shaun Dingwall into Owls. Shaun spoke to us about what we believe acting to be and how putting on a show is all about teamwork. We then went outside and he showed us some games to help with this teamwork before treating him to a sneak peak at 'Ali Baba and the Bongo Bandits'. A big thankyou to Shaun for taking his time to come and share his expertise.

    Monday 10th June

    On Monday 10th June we were lucky to receive a visit from Rev James Turk. He spoke to us about transition to secondary school and we discussed any concerns we have and what we are excited about. Those who have to wear a tie as part of their uniform even got to try their hand at tying one. We thanked him with a rendition of our favourite song from our upcoming production. A big thanks go to the Rev for sparing some time to come and spend some time with Owls.

    Friday 17th May

    I can't say how proud I am of my Owls this week, they have taken their SATs in their stride and I just know they will have done well. As a nice change of pace we went up the field and had a picnic/party to celebrate all of their hard work. The weather treated us and the children had a great time relaxing and having fun with each other after a busy, busy week!!

    Monday 4th March

    Mock Trial

    On Monday the 4th March a group of Y6's took part in a mock trial at the Stroud Council Chambers in Ebley. This coincided with their crime & punishment topic perfectly. They had been given a trial a few months beforehand and had taken on individual roles as part of a defence team. On the day they competed against another school who were the prosecution. The children had worked really hard on their roles and spoke very eloquently. All of this work paid off as the defence won the case!!

    Tuesday 20th February

    As part of our new geography topic we were lucky enough to go and visit Brimscombe Port and meet two Stroud District Councillors. They spoke to us about the history of the site and how it has changed over time. They also gave us an insight into the new redevelopment of the area including the planning issues that new developments have to overcome. 

    Thursday 1st February 

    Gloucester Prison

    As part of our Crime & Punishment topic Owls had the opportunity to visit Gloucester Prison. We were greeted by ex-prison governor Steve, who took us on a fantastic tour through the prison. We learnt about how the prison had changed through the ages and what it was like for inmates in each age.



    Pupils started our Design and Technology topic. This term, pupils will design and make their own fabric Christmas decorations.


    Today, pupils designed their decorations and practiced threading a needle.


    They did a great job!

    Tuesday 21st November

    In geography we have been looking at the Caribbean. Today we looked at the climate and produced a scripted news report about two hurricanes that hit the area in 2017. We then performed these for the class.

    Wednesday 11th October

    Cheltenham Literacy Festival


    Owls travelled to Cheltenham to attend the literacy festival. A main part of the day was them enjoying a workshop led by acclaimed author Christopher Edge. Christopher explained his thought process when writing his books and talked to the children about how to build suspense in their stories. We were even lucky enough to receive 2 signed copies of his latest book, 'Escape Room'. Owls were then free to enjoy other aspects of the festival.





    Here is the portrait that Owls tried to recreate:

    Here is the artwork by Owls class. They used texture to establish TONE.


    Working towards our finished product

    11.9.23   Stunning Artists in OWLS class:


    Pupils have been looking at the artist Tamara Natalie Madden and then completing pictures in her style. 


    Here is an example of her incredible artwork:



    Thrupp School is celebrating their success. As of The Stroud News and Journal, January 2025, Thrupp School was named 3rd Best Performing School in Gloucestershire.