  • Home Page

    ThruppPrimary School


    Welcome to Kestrels!


    Mrs R Lewis (Full Time)

    Mrs T Southgate (Thurs pm)


    Teaching Assistants

    Mrs Hepper

    Mrs Abel (1:1 TA)

    Mrs Schmidt (1:1 TA)

    Miss Moran (1:1 TA mornings)


    We are a mixed Reception and Year 1 class. 


    PE days

    Each week PE will be on a Monday and a Thursday. Please come into school wearing PE kit on this day and make sure everything is labelled please (particularly hoodies). We will also do our 'Thrupp Ten' daily, which will involve different exercises, such as the daily mile, yoga, dance etc.


    Snack time

    We have free fruit and vegetables for the children, but if you would like to send more in please do. We are now doing a rolling snack. Children can eat their snack anytime from 9:30-11:30 in the morning when they feel hungry. 



    Our phonics books will be sent home on a Wednesday - please support your child by hearing them read daily. Please also write a comment in their reading record as this helps us keep an eye on how they're doing with their reading. They also get a sticker on their bookmark for each time they read at home (10 stickers = prize!). We check this on a Monday when the phonics books need returning.


    Your child will also come home with a 'sharing book' - this is a book for you to enjoy together (they are not expected to read it to you).







    Please see our class page below to see all the exciting things we have been doing. We are always happy to chat. Please do not hesitate to come in and ask anything you are unsure of or email us at 

    At Thrupp, we have generated a list of key skills for each year group. These are objectives from the National Curriculum which we feel are essential for your child to achieve before they move on with their learning. Below are Non-Negotiables for Maths, Reading and Writing for Year 1.

    Reception children follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. Please see the Development Matters document below to see what we use to help us plan for the children and use to assess where they are. The Government expectation is that all children achieve the Early Learning Goals by the end of their Reception year.

    Thrupp School is celebrating their success. As of The Stroud News and Journal, January 2025, Thrupp School was named 3rd Best Performing School in Gloucestershire.