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    ThruppPrimary School


    Thrupp can admit 20 children into our Reception class each year. Children can start school during the school year in which they are five years of age.  Children who have their fourth birthday between 1st September and 31st August may start school at the beginning of the next Autumn term. 


    Most children who start in our Reception class attend Thrupp School Nursery, making transition into mainstream school a natural progression.  During the summer term, an extensive induction programme is arranged including weekly afternoon sessions for children and parents and an evening meeting where parents can meet staff and find out more about the school.  Children start school on a part time basis for a period of several weeks until they are ready for full time school.


    Parents considering sending their child to Thrupp School are invited to contact the school directly in the first instance. Mrs Mylechreest will be pleased to discuss the organisation of the school, answer any questions and show you around. We believe that parents are then able to make a valued judgement about the choice of school that best suits their child. All admission applications for Reception pupils are made directly with the admissions team at Gloucestershire County Council.

    If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below.

