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    ThruppPrimary School


    Welcome to Buzzards Class


    Buzzards are a mixed Year 3 & 4 class


    Teacher: Mrs C Parker-Standley


    Teaching Assistants: 

    Mrs C Westwood & Mrs H Skeats 



    Below is a useful welcome booklet for any new Buzzards who would like to find out more about the classroom:




    Here is our topic letter to parents for the Autumn Term 2023, including information about homework in Buzzards.

    Here is the topic homework sheet for the Autumn Term in Buzzards.



    We do P.E and outdoor activities on Mondays and Wednesdays


    English, Maths and Reading


    At the end of the year, your child will be assessed and this is reported in our end of year reports. The assessment will say if your child is or is not at AGE RELATED EXPECTATIONS.


    In order to be at AGE RELATED EXPECTATIONS, your child MUST be able to confidently achieve 90% of the objectives for the year.


    Below are the Objectives for Reading, Writing and Maths for each year group.


    These are the objectives that we will be covering over the course of the year.


    Some Extra Reading:


    Children are encouraged to read at home daily with an adult and be read to, discussing books talking about characters, plot etc...

    Here is some useful strategies for supporting your child at home:

    Recommended Reading Lists


    Below are some books that may inspire your child, The selection of books in this list are a guide for children aged 7-8 in year 3 at school. The books range various genres to cover all interests. If your child is a competent reader or has read many of these titles then try the books from the Year 4 reading list.


    Year 3 and 4 Spellings


    Below are the National Curriculum statutory spelling lists for the words that the children should know.

    By the end of Year 3 pupils should know at least 50% of the list.

    By the end of Year 4 pupils should know ALL of the list.


    Please support your child by practising these words at home. 

    Thrupp School is celebrating their success. As of The Stroud News and Journal, January 2025, Thrupp School was named 3rd Best Performing School in Gloucestershire.