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    ThruppPrimary School

    Learning Powers

    Learning Powers

    At Thrupp, we have Learning Powers to help our children become better learners, both in school and in life. To encourage them to become lifelong learners we are developing strategies in our teaching to support children’s learning and to continue to raise standards across all learning.


    What are ‘Learning Powers’ all about?

    Developing self-awareness as a learner enables children to develop successful habits which they can use in the future and continually improve. This encourages self-esteem, self-confidence, independence and motivation. We have a whole school approach to learning. Everyone is talking the language of learning, from Reception to Year 6. Every classroom has a Learning Power display board, and each class has learning targets.  At Thrupp, we have the power to be Resilient, Curious, Reflect, Aspire and Relate.


    How well you learn is not a matter of how bright you are. It is a matter of experience and skills to be a lifelong learner. Being a good real life learner means knowing what is worth learning, what you are good (or not so good) at learning, who can help, how to face confusion without getting upset and what is the best learning tool for the job at hand.


    Please click on the links below to see the Building Learning Powers Leaflet for Parents.
