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    ThruppPrimary School


    Our Intent:


    In Music, our children sing, listen to music, compose and perform. Our music curriculum promotes experimentation with voices, tuned and untuned instruments, improvisation and composition. Listening to and reflecting on music from a range of cultures, genres and periods promotes curiosity and appreciation of diversity.


    We enable our children to develop and participate in cultural experiences by putting on performances that are inclusive of all abilities; coming together as a community and relating to one another in a shared purpose. We invite members of our wider community to share in making music; enabling the children to experience live music regularly and to aspire to learn to play a variety of instruments. Performing to audiences and practicing to improve performance develops resilience and courage.


    By the time children leave Thrupp School we want them to have developed a love of music and some capacity to make music individually and in groups.

    Our curriculum:

    Thrupp School is celebrating their success. As of The Stroud News and Journal, January 2025, Thrupp School was named 3rd Best Performing School in Gloucestershire.