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    ThruppPrimary School

    Uniform Information

    We have a school uniform, which we feel is both smart and practical for young children.  Co-operation from parents is appreciated. Uniform, including the PE t-shirt, can be purchased from Batemans Sports in Stroud. The PTA also hold regular uniform sales where you can purchase pre-loved items. 


                                        Black or grey trousers or skirt

                                        Blue or white polo shirt

                                        Sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo - required

                                        Suitable black or brown shoes (no trainers please)

                                        Blue and white checked or striped summer dress



    Children should not be sent to school in trainers but please ensure that footwear is low-heeled and practical for running around at break-times. Boots are allowed in wet or cold weather but, all footwear should be black or another dark colour. Sandals should be of a robust design and suitable for running around.



    Children wear their P.E. clothing to school on their allocated PE days - parents are notified of these by text at the start of each long term. The PE clothing consists of:

                                        Blue or white Thrupp T-shirt

                                        Navy shorts/ skort/ tracksuit bottoms

                                        Daps or trainers


    We strongly advise against children wearing jewellery or expensive watches to school; Thrupp School cannot accept responsibility for broken or stolen items. For health and safety reasons, only stud earrings are acceptable and all jewellery must be removed for PE lessons.


    We request that all items of clothing are labelled with your child’s name, including coats, fleece tops, shoes, daps, jumpers and PE kit. This will help locate missing articles of clothing.

    Thrupp Primary School and Nursery Open Day on Tuesday 22nd October from 9.30am - 11.30am. All new families welcome. Our Year 6 pupils will show you round. Please come and join us.