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    ThruppPrimary School


    Welcome to Owls!

    Please click the 'Owls' internal link below to take you to our class page which is updated weekly!

    Our Classroom:

    Owls is a Year 6 class. 



    Mr M. Bird


    Teaching Assistants


    Mrs C. Westwood

    Mrs H. Cheney



    Regular reading should be taking place (at least 3x weekly at home) and recorded in Reading Records. A list of suggested books is available in the additional resources below.


    Reading Records should be brought into school every day. They will be monitored regularly.



    Owls will have PE on a Monday and a Thursday (so they need to come to school in their PE kit). A drinks bottle is necessary. Long hair must be tied up. 


    In the summer, children should be well equipped for hot weather, bringing water bottles, hats and suncream.




    Keep up to date with Owls!

    To see more about Owls, take a look at the class page (link below). This is regularly updated with information about learning across all of the curriculum areas and the termly topic that is being studied in-depth.

    Why is reading important? There are many benefits to reading. Studies have shown that young people who read every day get better grades in all subjects, including numeracy and mathematics. People who read have confidence and better self-esteem than people who do not read. Reading also improves your listening skills, your ability to express yourself and it helps you to understand and empathise with other people. Reading can also be a great way to relax. There really are no ‘down sides’ to reading!

    Thrupp Primary School and Nursery Open Day on Tuesday 22nd October from 9.30am - 11.30am. All new families welcome. Our Year 6 pupils will show you round. Please come and join us.