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    ThruppPrimary School

    Croft Farm: Year 6 Residential April 2023

    Year 6 Residential 2023

    Day 1-

    Group 1 went canoeing down the river whilst, Group 2 stayed dry building a buggy. Followed by giant Cluedo in the evening.


    Buggy Building

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    Buggy Building

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    Buggy Building

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    Buggy Building

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    Day 2-

    Both groups took to the lake, in the morning, for paddleboarding and kayaking. After lunch both groups scaled the wall for rock climbing. After this Group 1 built rockets whilst, Group 2 played archery tag. After dinner the groups went head to head in a run around quiz.



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    Day 3-

    After breakfast both groups were back on the lake, this time in pedalos and mega paddleboarding. This turned into a fun filled morning of trying to get myself and Ms Mills in the lake!!! After lunch Group 1 were blindfolded to take on a sensory trail and Group 2 attempted the crate staking challenge. The 2nd activity of the afternoon took Group 1 to the archery tag field whilst Group 2 tackled the abseiling wall. The night brought with it the DISCO!!! lots of singing and dancing with the obligatory CONGA! 


    Super Miss Mills

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    Where is the Love?

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     Day 4-

    Day 4 began with buggy building and climbing for Group 1 and raft building for Group 2. After lunch Group 1 built rafts on the lake and Group 2 took to the river on kata-canoe's. The night was finished off by stories, songs and toasted marshmallows around the camp fire.


    Buggy Racing

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    Camp Fire

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    Day 5-

    Last day  Some tired children took on the crate stack challenge and the rocket build before saying our goodbyes to the fantastic JCA staff and returning to Thrupp full of memories that will last a lifetime. Me and Ms Mills were so proud of each an every one of our Owls for their efforts and positive attitude throughout the week. Very happy, (Sleepy) year 6 teacher!!

    Thrupp School is celebrating their success. As of The Stroud News and Journal, January 2025, Thrupp School was named 3rd Best Performing School in Gloucestershire.