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    ThruppPrimary School

    Spring Term 3 and Term 4

    Our topic is...

    'Amazing Amazon!’


    We will be learning about aspects of the rainforest including plants and animals and the threats to this precious environment. We will focus particularly on the Amazon Rainforest, the Amazon river basin and the continent of South America, comparing it to the UK. Later in the term, in History, we will be learning about the Mayan civilisation.

    Eagles topic letter for term 3 and 4

    Our visit to Cotswold Wildlife Park - 13.3.23 We had an excellent day and managed to avoid most of the rain. There were lots of animals to see and we learnt more about different rainforest species.

    Computing  - 10.3.23


    In Eagles, pupils have been using the Internet to research information and also using Logo.


    This week, pupils used LOGO to create animals. 


    Here are their creative and innovative designs:

    Thrupp School celebrated World Book Day with a Bedtime Stories Day - we wore our pyjamas, shared our favourite bedtime stories with our friends and enjoyed a hot chocolate to end the day. We were also treated to some fantastic story telling from Bill the Story Traveller!

    Safer Internet Day 2023. This year's focus was making space for conversations about life online. We had lots of discussion in our class about the things we love to do online and the potential risks we may come across. We overcame various obstacles which may prevent us telling someone about something uncomfortable that happens online to complete our assault course!

    Our Alphanet! Some of the things we enjoy about life online.

    In Science we have been dissecting tulips. We looked at and labelled the male and female parts. It was really interesting!

    Listen (and watch) the fantastic rainforest compositions that some of Eagles class have created for their homework. You could almost be in the Amazon!

    Florence-Rainforest-Music- (1).mp3

    Suzy's Amazon Forest Soundtrack.mp3

    Freddie - Um Bongo!

    Still image for this video

    Walt's rainforest soundtrack.opus

    Arabella's rainforest soundtrack.MP4

    Still image for this video

    Theme Week! On mix-up day, the children were divided into mixed aged groups from Reception to Year 6. They then visited each classroom to learn about a different religion. In Eagles class, we were looking at Buddhism. The children made meditation pebbles.

    Theme Week! We started our RE theme week with a whole school trip to the Masjid-e-Noor Mosque and Gloucester Cathedral. We had some fantastic guides who taught us a lot about Islam and Christianity and how these buildings are important to worshippers.

    Pizza Making!! We had such a fab time designing, making, sampling and evaluating our pizzas. What a great DT project!

    Thrupp School is celebrating their success. As of The Stroud News and Journal, January 2025, Thrupp School was named 3rd Best Performing School in Gloucestershire.