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    ThruppPrimary School


    Our Topic this term is...


    What's your superpower?

    17.03 - This week we've been using our purple pens to edit a retelling of the Supertato. We came up with the criteria we thought would make it better and then worked in pairs or on own to improve it.

    Spring 1 Week 7 - In Hawks class we’ve been doing a bit of mindfulness. We enjoyed doing ‘belly breaths’ and ‘rainbow breathing’ this week.

    Spring 1 Week 6 - We enjoyed a water safety assembly from the Canal & River Trust.

    Spring 1 Week 5 - We've continued our learning about animals this week. Our Y1 children have been learning about the different groups of animals and Y2 children have been learning about offspring. We've also been getting creative with some acting out of Traction Man scenarios and applying our sketching skills.

    Spring 1 Week 4 - We had great fun playing cricket this week with Ollie! We played games which involved under arm throwing, batting and fielding.

    Spring 1 Week 3 - This week we have begun our new focus book 'Traction Man is here' by Mini Grey. We have met some of the villains in the story and begun creating our own wanted posters for them!

    Spring 1 Week 2 - We had such fun with our Diversity Theme Week. We really enjoyed visiting the mosque and Gloucester Cathedral and we loved our mix up day learning about different religions.

    Spring 1 Week 1 - We've had a lovely first week back full of independent writing, building models, measuring and naming 2D and 3D shapes.
