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    ThruppPrimary School

    Autumn Term 1 and Term 2

    We have been investigating if materials conduct electricity. We found that certain metals were better conductors than others...

    Eagles self-portraits

    Eagles have been producing some outstanding pieces of homework so far this term. We have had models, videos, maps, posters, photographs of days out and amazing examples of Roman shields. Thank you so much for supporting your children with these tasks. There is lots of amazing things on display in the classroom!

    Daisy O aqueduct

    Still image for this video

    Jasper aqueduct model.mp4

    Still image for this video

    Xavier's aqueduct model.MOV

    Still image for this video

    We are currently in training to become centurions! We have been practising a Roman drill using commands in Latin.


    Still image for this video

    Eagles demonstrating some excellent bridge shapes in gymnastics!

    Eagles have been making some fantastic Roman shields as part of their homework this term.

    We started our new topic by becoming archaeologists. We excavated our block to discover an artefact which was a clue to our new topic: The Romans are Coming!

    These were our archaeological finds!! Do you know what they all are?

    Our topic in Terms 1 and 2 is...

    The Romans are Coming!


    In History, we will be looking at the Romans, the Roman Empire and its impact on Britain.


    These handy websites may be a place where your child can start their knowledge journey!


    Questions to get you thinking:

    Who were the Romans?

    What were the Romans famous for doing?

    What was life like for a Roman in Britain?


    Try finding as much as you can about these people! 

    Thrupp School is celebrating their success. As of The Stroud News and Journal, January 2025, Thrupp School was named 3rd Best Performing School in Gloucestershire.