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    ThruppPrimary School

    Autumn Terms 1 and 2

    Our topic in terms 1 and 2 is:

     Journey Through Time!


    We will be travelling through time to learn about the city of Gloucester and how it has changed through different periods of history. This will link to our Geography work on settlements.

    Eagles had a fantastic trip to Gloucester. We were able to see first-hand the historical evidence of different time periods and learnt so much from our very knowledgeable tour guides. The best bit was going underground to see the remains of the Roman walls.

    Our English text this term is The Barnabus Project by The Fan Brothers. 


    We enjoyed inventing our own failed perfect pet projects and used our persuasive skills to create adverts for them. 

    We began our topic by thinking about where we would like to visit in the past and designing our own time machines. 

    In English, we have been using the book The Lost Happy Endings to inspire our writing. At home, Dilys was inspired to make Jub’s house!

    We created some fabulous dog sculptures in Art this term.  Firstly, we created a silhouette of our chosen dog breed.  Then we enlarged our silhouettes and turned the flat 2D shapes into 3D sculptures by using a collaging technique.  We developed ways to allow our sculptures to be free standing.  We then displayed our work in a gallery!

    In Design and Technology we have been researching recipes for Spaghetti Bolognese.  We then worked in groups to adapt the recipes to accommodate the tastes of our group. We really enjoyed cooking our dishes, they were totally delicious and we learnt lots of skills like chopping, grating, mixing and stirring.  Our lunch that day was the most delicious ever, we ate together in the classroom and even had some garlic bread.  We also washed, dried and cleaned up afterwards.  A great project!

    Thrupp School is celebrating their success. As of The Stroud News and Journal, January 2025, Thrupp School was named 3rd Best Performing School in Gloucestershire.